Sonic Frontiers

The video game, Sonic Frontiers has been shown off a little bit recently, with more information of the game to come out throughout the month of June. It looks different, but I’m definitely going to give it a try. I think if the developers did a good job and have some surprises in store, then the game will be worth playing. And if not, well, at least it is still Sonic, which I love.

Sonic Forces, the last 3D Sonic game, was disappointing to me, primarily because of the level design and its lack of challenge. The feeling I had is that I could basically boost through that game, consequence free, and beat it in half an hour. Everything else I thought was fine or better.

Only a loser would care

Weird annoying modern day commentary: everything is racist!

I clicked on a video, scrolled down to the comments for some reason, and was reminded that some people can take issue with and ruin everything. I think it is the liberal whites, mostly women I’m assuming, who are just being pretending to be offended because they get off on it, but I can imagine a few brainwashed blacks throwing a tantrum about someone wearing “their”hair style. It is a very weird thing to be possessive about. Embarrassing, really, but I don’t think most people, black or otherwise, would care about an asian woman wearing braids.

I hate that these kind of people, both complainers and whatever you call the people who update you on how someone responded to being called out for doing something that “offended” others, exist. I’d be happy if we could collectively move on from caring if others are offended about anything. There are plenty of things that I don’t like, and nobody gives a shit.

Anyway, I don’t get why black people aren’t allowed to be imitated, replicated or made fun of–not to mention have “their” culture “appropriated,” which is a bullshit concept. I’m sick of sensitivity. It’s weak and disgusting.

Confused at the pump

Just a while ago , a woman asked for my help at the gas station. As she explained, she was from New Jersey, and they don’t pump their own gas there, which is silly, but why get rid of laws that make you weird, when you can just keep on keeping on?

Anyway, the woman tried to be self sufficient and pump the gas herself, but she ran into a problem–the nozzle wouldn’t fit in her tank! It is fortunate that the diesel fuel nozzle–which is what she was holding–is dummy proof, so that people don’t fuck up there cars (you can fit a non-diesel nozzle into a diesel truck, however).

My first thought is that it is stupid of New Jersey government to not allow people to pump their own gas. Obviously, most other places in the United States are not like New Jersey in this regard. If you know that people are able to pump their own gas, with everywhere else serving as proof of that, why would you not change and join everyone else? Afraid people will drive off with the nozzles still in their vehicles? Could happen, but it doesn’t make New Jersey less retarded for their fueling policy.

As a person, I would be embarrassed to not know how to do a simple thing that everyone around me can do. Sure, it isn’t hard to learn, but that isn’t the point. You’re literally robbed of knowledge and an opportunity to grow by not being allowed to do things for yourself, such as pump your own gas. It makes you weaker–less competitive… More reliant on others when there is no real reason to be.

I started to think about the things that I never learned that were taught to generations prior, and realize just how much they must laugh at the modern average moron who doesn’t know nothing about nothing. If you have an opportunity to teach someone (that you care about) you should do so. Being helpless isn’t cute.

I made butter steak bites. yurm.

I have a confession… In my own way… I was a bitch. I never wanted to touch raw meat. Today, I held raw beef between my finger tips… and it wasn’t as disgusting as I imagined it’d be. The meat was kinda dry. Not so slimy, not so wet. I had to cut it to make garlic butter steak bites, which I was disappointed to learn I didn’t invent when I got the idea after grilling a steak in butter last week. How were the steak bites? Slightly over cooked, could’ve used more butter… But it was okay.

Some dude started raising his voice to get my attention at the grocery store, you see, the area I’m in has a mask mandate and since I’m not gay, I was not wearing a mask. He acted like he was trying to help me, but I’m always ready to walk. I acted like I was putting my beef away (I was going to walk out but quickly changed my mind), then I walked away from the guy who “had to enforce” the mandate and made my way to the produce section, without wearing a mask. For a very brief moment when checking out, I pulled my neck gaiter over my face, and then it came back down. When I noticed there was a screen between myself and the checkout woman, I decided not to even pretend I cared about the mandate. The moral of the story is that I hate people, because they will fuck you over when some asshole gives the word, and assholes run the world. And they won’t relent.

Greasy Foods

I think I need to quit greasy foods. Yesterday I got up late, went to Bonchon, and pigged out on Fried Rice with Bulgolgi and 8 chicken wings. It was the lunch menu and it cost me $25. The fries that came with the chicken sucked (IMO), there wasn’t enough bulgolgi in my rice, and the worst thing of all is that I got really tired after I ate and took an unplanned nap in the middle of the day when I already got up late.

I’ve notice before with Bonchon, and with Five Guys, that I often get tired, often get the so-called “itis” after I finish a meal, or in this case meals, a lot of the time when I order carryout I get myself two meals because I’m often still hungry after one…

There was a time when I didn’t much mind cooking. I was even interested in learning how to cook. This was when I was significantly broke and generally had more spare time (I say general only because I haven’t gone to work in weeks, but I still have a job as it turns out).

I’m thinking I need to pump the brakes on treats like Bonchon. I guess I need to buy like, carrots or something, I don’t even know. I hate vegetables, but I also hate everything. That makes picking out food hard. What happened to me?

Katsucon is gay

Katsucon was the first ever convention I went to. I’ve been to some anime conventions over the years, but most of the time I’ve opted not to, either because I’d be broke, or busy, or just disinterested as I’ve done it before and get the idea. And I hate crowds… And lines… And waiting…

This year however, I thought about going, and by that I mean the thought came to my head. There’s a convention in January I always forget about called FAGfest, that’s been held at the GAYlord hotel. MAGfest is too close to the holidays for me to remember, and I’ve never been, so I have no attachment to it at all, but this year I saw that it was happening while it was happening, instead of all after the fact, like usual. And that is why I thought of going to Katsucon this year, as it is held in February.

I typed “Katsucon” into my search bar, found it’s twitter page and saw a tweet that had been posted that very same day, pictured below:

Katsucon’s organizers decided everyone needs to be “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 “vaccine” in order to attend. Covid-19 has been a thing for 2 years now, and it has been almost 2 full years since all the retarded reactions to Covid-19 started happening. Nothing has gotten better since then…

As expected from users of any mainstream website, there were a bunch of faggots in the thread talking about how scared they were, going on about how the vaccine mandate was a good thing and how people who weren’t “vaccinated” by now are pieces of shit, and there were people who truly don’t like fun and just wanted the convention to be cancelled altogether.

So what’s my position? My position is I’m no longer interested in attending. I am not and will not “vaccinated” against Covid-19, I don’t care enough about this nerd shit to lie about being vaccinated, I WILL NOT pay money to be harassed about wearing a mask, and I don’t want to be around people who think mask and vaccine mandates are cool; they are huge issues and they’re having a negative effect on my quality of life.

I would’ve said I wanted Katsucon to fail, die and never return, but I didn’t because I was interested in seeing how things would turn out going forward – if the event could survive. Now however things have changed:

Inside their logo is the Faggot X Tranny fusion flag… They are ALL in on the gay shit. All in on the delusions, the lies of the tranny narrative. They openly and brazenly support the LGBT+ culture, a culture I’m sick of hearing about and having shoved in my face. I never used to hate this rainbow fag flag shit when I was younger, but now legit think it’s a negative culture, lifestyle, mindset, everything…

If I had paid attention to the logo from the beginning, I never would have considered attending. Now I really do wish Katsucon fails, dies and never comes back. But I do get it: there are a lot of gay ass anime fans.

Tired of the shit

I’ve gotten used to buying a whole lotta stuff I don’t need, just because I want it, and want access to it. For example, I’ve purchased all 80 currently released volumes of the Case Closed manga. I’ve spent a lot of money on music, anime, comics since last year…

That seems to be coming to a quick end. I likely will not have my current day job after January, and if that is the case, why should I bother working through the holiday season?

Some people are going out of their ways to make my life worse, and others are simply too stupid to not detract from my life experience. It is grating, it is frustrating, and there’s not much I can control.

Nothing lasts forever, I get it, but jeez, does everything have to be so unnecessarily dumb? So predictably terrible? I would like for things to get better for a change, and I’m not talking about the special effects in Hollywood movies…

I bought two copies of Twice’s new album, Formula of Love: O+T=<3 over the past few days. I love it. But I can’t do that anymore. I can’t even splurge on bullshit to distract me from how bullshit everything is these days, because shitty people are going to decide I’m ineligible to work. I wish I had more skills. They’d help with this upcoming job search I’m going to be doing.

In any case, I will not be getting any vaccines.

Sorry, Aina

Part of me feels like I need to just give up people; I already have given up on other people making sound decisions and being any amount of reasonable. I actually have very low expectations of others, and I do think I’m increasingly grateful for when someone meets or exceeds them… For example, I’m very pleased when my takeout food order comes with utensils; that doesn’t always happen.

I wouldn’t feel the need to shake and scream at others if they were retarded in a bubble, but when it comes to the covid shit, OTHER PEOPLE go out of their way to force bullshit onto me and into my life. They literally have lowered the quality of my life. They want me to wear a mask to walk through a grocery store and use self-checkout, they demand I show proof of vaccination in order to remain employed… Shit’s fucked up, and I could deal with that, even if I don’t want others to have to suffer through it, just like how I can still sleep knowing people in other parts of the world are being blasted to shit, but fucked up shit is being not just introduced into my life, but forced upon me by idiots who are incapable of listening to reason, of having independent thoughts, of respecting other people individual choices…

My job insisted on everyone being “vaccinated” against covid because the retarded as clients demanded it… I think it’s none of the clients damn business what my vaccination status is, and I don’t know why my job has to be so unreasonable in its approach to the vaccine, but I do know that they also insist on everyone wearing a mask at work, so clearly the shit didn’t work out as planned.

Anyway, because of increasing restrictions on freedom, against bodily autonomy and because of stupid mandates, I can’t help but try to wake up the people around me who have bought into the bullshit. I feel like I have to do something, even though it causes me even more mental anguish knowing my efforts will be for naught… Knowing there are others like me in the world make me feel a little better, though… I’m holding out for a moment when I can say “I TOLD YOU SO,” because I feel like that’s the best I can hope for; I don’t know how to reason people out of forcing bad practices on to others; I can’t counter the media’s programming. I am also not willing to die or go to prison fighting for my position, so I’m just here… Just listening to Aina Hirose’s Travel in my Mind, trying to blog my negative feelings, my sour mood away. I’ll do some pushups… So I don’t look like Aina Hirose… Who happens to be a very enjoyable singer to listen to, but not necessarily look at… Because of the chub… But after image searching her on twitter, she looks completely normal compared to the people I see in real life… Making fun of fat people just put the smile back on my face dammit. I feel good again!

P.S. Letting go of expectations has, in the past, helped elevate my mood. Like a weight lifted, if you can afford to do so, sometimes lowering your expectations will make things easier/more pleasant.

Cowards Piss me off

Someone close to me had a major health/wellness decline following their covid jab, and this person REFUSES–is totally afraid–to offer even the simplest of warnings to anyone else about what happened. “It just never comes up,” she says about telling people she regularly talks to and meets up with.

It pissed me off, because if more people knew about the negative side effects–or possible negative side effects–of the so-called vaccine, more people could make the decision to save themselves some hardship. People avoid dying as a result of getting one of these injections. If people were better informed, heard more than one side of argument, and didn’t make rash, emotionally charged decisions, we could all avoid draconian mandates and policies regarding our own health and bodies. But at least one person I know, who had so bad and weird shit happen to them following the jab REFUSES to mention is ever!

It really pisses me off, because it doesn’t have to be this major thing; just say your health got messed up following the jab, and it is worth reconsidering getting a jab or any booster shots if you had planned to do so. Please do your own research.

The shit messes with your immune system, and there is no long-term study of what these mRNA “vaccines” do to humans. You people who got the not-vaccine could end up being like HIV carriers, with a good for nothing immune system, which is crazy considering the ratio of how many people supposedly had the covaids and got over it before the fake vaccine was even rolled out.

I just got told over the phone not to “stress this person out,” never mind the fact that if the victim had listened to me, they very likely would not be suffering the way they are now; that if speaking out can save friends and family, and that real life risks and cases are worth keeping in mind when deciding whether or not to take a highly politicized and suspiciously incentivized experimental shot, that you SHOULD inform others of what happened. I thought every life mattered to these people, excuse me for caring!

Whether the advertiser supported mainstream media reports it or not (because that is the only kind of source sheeple seem to trust), real people have had adverse effects to the increasingly mandated “vaxxes” up to and including death. By all indication, the adverse effects seem to be under reported (similarly to how the adverse effects of covid have been over reported/exaggerated). Everyone should be speaking up when anything negative happens surrounding this covid jab issue, since society at large wants to force everyone into taking these shots and their boosters in perpetuity.

All of the ridiculous lockdown policies and jab mandates could have been avoided if the average person were informed (rather than brainwashed and fear mongered to); if we collectively said no to the insanity. But people out here are too scared to even warn their own family about what happened to them and what could happen to others (for insane, irrational reasons). Cowards piss me off…

When you look at highly “vaccinated” countries like Israel and see how many hospitalizations they have reportedly had, when you are living in a reality where you are forced to put a mask back on after being relieved of it because of “the delta variant” (even though things seem the same as they were, and there would always be a corona virus variant) you have to at least question the effects of the jab. At best, they only don’t work, but you should at least know that you cannot trust the people who would bribe you with free donuts when it comes to matters of your health and well being. Sadly,this is too much for the average person…

Sigh… A mofo will go out of her way–inconvenience herself–to get a jab that she wasn’t even forced to take, but can’t perform the simple action of talking to people she is already close to, and somehow I’m the asshole for thinking it a moral failing (to maybe save someone else from not being capable of opening a damn water bottle anymore)… A mofo will not speak up about her (obviously a her) adverse side effects (or is it just THE effect, I can’t prove those jabs work), but plenty of assholes will happily put others on blast for not complying with the insanity; these people make life more hellish every day.

K-Pop is Globally minded

I’ve started listening to Mamamoo, a Korean girl (woman) group. I think they’re great, I’ll listen to pop music if they’re the ones making it. And the thing is, is that I can! Korean pop music, as far as I can tell is more marketed, and more available to the West than Japanese music is. I can buy K-Pop music from FYE. I had to import the last couple of Japanese albums I got last month–couldn’t even use iTunes. And don’t get me started on Thai music! If I can’t pay for it digitally, I will never have it… Unless I’m lucky enough to find it on one of those… other sites…

Two things: Piracy is often a better deal; If Americans made the internet, we should be able to easily purchase digital music files via the internet. Get your act together Japan. And thank you Korea Mamamoo.