Aimyon look-a like-a…

I’m on a bit of an Aimyon kick right now. There’s this one video I’ve replayed, and as I listen to the song again and again, I become more and more curious about the woman singing in it. So as anyone would do, I took that bitch to google, and after arguing with an imaginary man in my room, this is what I have concluded:

Am I crazy or… I’m not, right?

Aimyon kind of sort of looks like Sid from Ice Age. She’s obviously much cuter though. I mean think about, if she weren’t cute, I wouldn’t have replayed the video. Hell, I wouldn’t even be able to enjoy the song. That’s just how my brain works. So when I say Aimyon looks like that goofy looking animal from that one movie I saw exactly one time, it’s not a diss; It’s an observation.

I don’t know if I used that semicolon correctly. I almost don’t care. Here’s the video.