2020.5 – The Halfway Point

The year 2020, up to June 30th and likely well beyond into even next year, has been relatively shitty year. An unnecessarily shitty year in terms of the way people behave and think. You might not notice it in person if you live in a non-shitty area. You might have more time on your hands than ever before with less stress if you have a stable source of income, and if so, that is a bright side of an otherwise dark year.

The big bullshit of the year is the overblown corona virus hoax that the powers that be are letting obliterate the economy. The other bullshit has to do with race, and push for everyone to make blacks out to be perpetual victims of “the system” from which they apparently will never prosper. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to donate to organizations named after the black race.

The media (social or otherwise?) are melting peoples minds, if they had any to begin with. Politicians and governments (who control the police?) let lawlessness and sensationalism run rampant. Corporations and public figures encourage violence and somehow the people who just want to be left alone are the bad guys.

I’m not going to talk about this very much, because all that matters is that people will accept bullshit, even when it causes great damage to their livelihoods and strips them of they’re freedom. People will demonize you over subjects the only understand based on what they “learned” from the fear mongering media. People contradict themselves and refuse to acknowledge that they do so. People want to destroy, but they don’t want to understand. Being a piece of shit is viewed as being morally upstanding. People are stupid and/or evil and they (the “normies”) have earned my hatred. I’ve never realized I had so many enemies. So my motto now is “fuck ’em!”

You want chaos! You want evil! You want lies! YOU GOT IT! Welcome to StopHaha! In case you’re wondering, the name sounds rapey on purpose.

Let the world burn all the way, one mind at a time.