Indigenous People’s Day is RETARDED: a Better Idea!

I saw online that today was Indigenous Peoples’ Day and I remembered that today was actually Columbus Day, because I’m not retarded. If you happen to be ignorant, Columbus Day is a federal holiday that recognizes the man who discovered the land that we know today as America. The Americas! I think he was Italian and was working for the Spanish or something, but I don’t remember because I never cared and no one ever really made a big deal about it before.

Times, however, have changed and now every one is in a rush to fellate the victim of the hour, so whiny insufferable piss-babies are pushing to CANCEL Christopher Columbus and affirmative action HIS holiday away to the NATIVE AMERICANS (whom I don’t have any issue with.)

I understand that sheeple are deeply concerned about the atrocities of racism when white people are the beneficiaries, but the idea of removing Columbus from holiday status, and transferring that status to the “indigenous” people is strange to me because it is a lot like a participation trophy. They don’t celebrate winners, they prop up losers, and in the battle of whose people are thriving in America, the indigenous people have thoroughly been defeated. Thus, in my mind, there is no question that today is Columbus’ Day (not that I would have given a shit.)

If the sheeple are so hard pressed to destroy Columbus and give HIS day away – the day he earned by discovering the continent in which I and all the shitbags I know reside – I have a proposition: call it ‘Nigger’s Day.’ I’ll explain why.

Columbus was important because he did something. Columbus took actions that essentially expanded the world and dramatically altered the lives of future generations. Sure, other people would likely have done it eventually, but he did it which is why he gets a shitty holiday. People who accomplish things tend to get praise and recognition. With that in mind, the native Americans, in terms of revealing the Americas to the world at large, contributed nothing. They were just there. If we are giving away holidays to people who have done nothing, well, who have done less than niggers? I understand that people sheeple are kinda upset that the indigenous Americans got wiped out, but mofos are OUTRAGED that black people are being sometimes killed by Whites and authority figures, and it is clearly a bigger deal today than whatever happened with the natives. If it weren’t, there wouldn’t be so many riots over black people, and there would be some for the poor native Americans.

Looking through a modern lens, people care far more about blacks than the indigenous Americans who were ‘victimized.’ You might think the indigenous people need recognition, but what happened to them occurred centuries ago; it just isn’t relevant. I know it isn’t relevant, because so many historical statues and monuments have been removed, defaced or replaced; no one gives a shit about history, just the present! With present day values being all that matters, and blacks being believed to be the biggest victims, and people frothing at the mouth to honor those who are just here and don’t do nuffin, the most fitting group to reappropriate Columbus Day for are the niggers! Niggers are kind of just here for better or worse, they are a fresher, more relatable victim group because the news makes a huge deal the few times someone who isn’t a fellow nigger deads one of them, and kids love ’em (rap music is very popular these days.)

Since you all want to give a holiday (Columbus Day) to veritable losers who got killed off (the indigenous people of America) I strongly suggest you instead bestow said holiday to a group that people today actually pretend to give a shit about (the shitskins niggers.) If niggers get Columbus, perhaps they will mellow out, stop bitching all the time, and race relations can improve back to the levels they were at 25 years ago. But, well, you don’t want to reward bad behavior, so maybe we should just say fuck niggers, fuck sjw malcontents, and get on with our lives.