RIP Voat

A lot of people and things died this year but the one I’m probably most bummed about is

I loved reading what was posted to that website and the community was one of the most tolerable groups of people I had the pleasure of running into on the internet. I hate “big tech.” I hate the media and I hate social media. But Voat was great. People said what they wanted to say. Sure there were some trolls… Yes there were taboo words… But I got the sense there were people who wanted to spread knowledge, and people who wanted to learn. People who weren’t as easily susceptible to programming as the average idiot who posts on message boards. There were people who had simply grown tired of –or perhaps never tolerated — the censorship and propaganda plagues all of the mainstream corners of the internet. Reading Voat and sites like it are a reminder that there are “cool” people out there in the world, and if I can navigate my way through the bullshit, I might find some.

My Exhaustive List of All Positive Happenings for the Year 2020!

2020 was the year where evil reigned supreme and poor, often malicious, decisions were promoted like crazy. I learned that I do, in fact, have a strong dislike for the common man, and I’ve never felt more alone in my thinking, although I know that I am not actually alone; just outnumbered.

Clearly, I thought 2020 sucked donkey balls, but it wasn’t all bad. I’m going to list twelve things that I liked about this year. Why twelve? No reason really, there are twelve months to a year and that seems like a good number; not too many, not too few. Here is what I liked about this year:

What I enjoyed this year! This is it. Nothing else.

My Exhaustive List of All Positives Happenings for the Year 2020!

  1. I read/watched all of Negima! and UQ Holder!
  2. I watched and enjoyed far more anime than I otherwise would, including: Fruits Basket (2019); City Hunter: Shinjuku Private Eyes; Dirty Pair; The Disastrous Life of Saiki K; Cowboy Bebop; Mob Psycho II; Birdy the Mighty: Decode; Tokyo Godfathers; and Riding Bean. I probably missed some.
  3. I read Shaman King. It was cool. There will be a new anime for it so maybe I’ll watch it when it comes out.
  4. I saw Sonic the Hedgehog in theaters TWICE! I’m like Sonic a lot, so I’m glad the movie was decent AND there will be a sequel!
  5. I got to spend less time at work. I spent a lot of time at work the past few years. My body feels less beat and I’ve had more time to spend on things that I enjoy. I realized I wasn’t spending much time doing what I wanted to do. Why?
  6. Because I got out of debt! No more student loans and no more car note. I can breathe now, but I had to work my ass off for a few years in order to aggressively pay it down. But at least for the moment there is one less thing to aggressively rape my time and money. I like to think it was worth it.
  7. I bought a 3d printer! I actually just got it a couple days ago and haven’t used it since putting it together. I don’t have many ideas of what to use this for, but there are a few that interest me. I wouldn’t have bought this if I had a car note and a full work schedule.
  8. I bought a MODE from Terraonion, which will let me enjoy many more Sega Saturn games than I have been able to since I got the Saturn as a child. I got the MODE a day before the 3d printer arrived and my Saturn wasn’t displaying video, so I might have to buy a new Saturn, but between the MODE and learning of the Polymega, my hope of Saturn accessibility was revitalized this year.
  9. I watched Uwe Boll’s Rampage trilogy. I very much enjoyed the experience. I’d be more likely thank Bill Williamson than I would a nurse, I’ll tell you that much!
  10. I got to experience open, deserted streets. Driving had never been more enjoyable.
  11. Don’t hate me for saying this, but I was fortunate enough to spend less time around niggers. It’s been years since I’ve been exposed to such small minuscule amounts of ghetto/grimy shit.
  12. I’ve got a new collection of Japanese music chicks to stan including Seira Kariya, Ai Otsuka and Non (whom I very recently discovered.)

There you have it, that is my list of every positive thing about this year. But now that I think of it, I did make a few cool pieces of art that I wouldn’t have made had I not been asked, so that was positive. In fact, I’m wearing some of that art on some slide-on sandals I ordered recently. And in case you’re wondering, no, I don’t wear them outside of the house and yes, I ALWAYS wear socks. as far as next year goes, I’m thinking I’ll make a music album. I don’t know anything about music, but it seems fun.

P.S. I totally forgot to mention that I bought and fired my first gun this year! It is an airsoft gun, so that’s why I forgot probably, but I had a good time shooting it. This should be one of the positive twelve, but I’m not redoing the list. Also… I’ve been watching less wrestling lately, which is cool, because suddenly I have more time now. And I’ve tried beef jerky for basically the first time. I love it!

I want to play Sega Saturn

cool logo

After bitching about people who make life shittier for others, I want to be positive, so I am announcing to no one in particular, that I am excited to create some new Sega Saturn experiences for myself in the coming year. I’m glad I still have my console; it sucks that the library isn’t more easily available to enjoy; I genuinely think games/art/music from that period are cool.

I’ve ordered a MODE from Terraonion and will be able to run games from an SSD once I get it set up. I won’t have to wait for the occasional miracle anymore, as the MODE is the miracle. The Saturn may not be in the best position when it comes to game preservation, but I will be able to experience more from my old wonder system after all this time.

2020 Pre-Xmas Closing Thoughts

I’m tired of the way things are. Tired of the rhetoric. Tired of the work. Tired of the holding pattern. Tired of the BS. And sometimes it feels like every moment I leave the house is a moment stanked up with bullshit. Home life was pretty annoying to this year. I sacrificed before 2020 and my reward was lockdowns and mask mandates. What a joke.

I try not to pay attention to the mainstream media too much, but I still hear from mainstream social media and big tech far more often than I should, so I know that common folk, I’m guessing the ones who aren’t concerned about how they’re going to pay their rent, or if they themselves will survive the so called pandemic, care an awful lot about cases: Who has covid-19, how many people have the virus, and what the death count can do for their chosen political cause. People are strangely obsessed with case numbers…

I, of course, don’t care about case numbers. I care about making money, exercising freedom and not being bothered. These are rare values these days. Unfortunately for me (and many others), my income has dropped, we have less freedom than ever and people are really fucking annoying. This hellish existence is encouraged by the sheep. The scared, know-it-all know-nothings who get their opinions from the almighty electric jew are all too happy to buy into bullshit. These people don’t think for themselves, they don’t think critically, they don’t think at all. The are programmed to accept programming, and they will attack when a dissenter dare to present an opposing thought to their lunacy. And it is lunacy…

Forget the supposed, ever-changing reasons for why we need to stay home, for why we need to cover our faces, for why we need to stay far away from each other, for why we all need to be vaccinated, etc. I spent the year driving around the DC/MD/VA region keeping an eye out for signs of a pandemic and I have yet to find any, even having stepped foot in more than a few hospitals and medical centers. I’ve seen many sparsely populated areas and I’ve seen plenty of crowded areas. But I haven’t seen many sick people. No one I know has died of anything related to Covid-19. People have lost their livelihoods over a pandemic that most people would not realize existed if it weren’t drilled into our heads, and I take serious issue with that. It’s basically the common cold, but the government are eager to use it as an excuse to destroy peoples well beings and rob them of their freedom.

Viruses that spread through the air from person to person are difficult to contain. That being the case, we are lucky Covid-19 is a virus the vast majority of people will recover from. If there was a significantly dangerous virus, we would be fucked, because the methods and practices that have been imposed on us DO. NOT. WORK. I know they don’t work, because people are still bitching about cases, even though I never see any sick people, and barely hear about anyone being sick, let alone dying. But let’s talk about the masks real quick: People are constantly fiddling with their mask; people wear improperly fitted masks; people reuse or over use their masks… All of these points defeat the purpose of the mask, because they allow the hypothetical virus to escape the mask and travel through the air. But most of the time, this isn’t a big deal, because most people you run into aren’t sick, and asymptomatic spread is unlikely, so these people are essentially wearing the mask for no reason. If the corona virus has such an awful effect, a potential spreader would likely not be milling about like normal.

Keeping your distance from sick people may help you prevent contracting the virus, but I imagine distancing yourself is less effective if you’re in a building, breathing in air through the same ventilation system as other people. I mean, sick building syndrome is a thing. In that case, open a damn window…

The vaccines won’t work. Aside from the fact that cold and flu viruses mutate quickly, I’ve been hearing that the vaccine literally won’t work. Or at least I believe that’s what I heard when they say people will still have to wear masks and practice social distancing, even after getting a vaccine (which I’m not getting.) Additionally, I’ve been hearing that a vaccine to be distributed will not make it so the vaccinated will be immune or unable to spread the virus, but will merely lessen the symptoms should a vaccinated individual get it. And for some reason, experts(?) think most people need to be vaccinated in order for the vaccine to be effective. There is a big push to have everyone vaccinated, even though most people will be just fine after getting covid-19 and it does not make logical sense when looking at the situation from a good-faith perspective. The leaders are evil. And they know a lot of us are dumb, so they will tell you to get a vaccine for a virus that will stick around and mutate just as the cold does and the companies that create vaccines will make a lot of money as more and more regular folks find themselves in dire straits.

I could go on and on about this bullshit, but I’ll try to wrap this up. People who support and/or enforce lockdowns are pieces of shit who need to hide under their beds and never leave their homes, as they have no issue with destroying current and future wealth of the country and the citizens within it. To go out in public and have a good time while happily letting others remain out of work becuase a super serious virus is on the loose is the most selfish and logically incongruent action ever… People who are afraid of the corona virus are weak, whether that be physically, mentally or both. We probably would be better off as a species without these people… Those among us who believe the government, the experts, the corporations, the establishment etc. are idiots. So idiotic, that to try to explain why and while supporting the assertion with facts and evidence would be a completely fruitless waste of time and effort. I’ve made similar attempts in the past and have concluded that most people do not want to have their views challenged and are unwilling to scrutinize their beliefs. They just want to bitch about Trump and pretend they’re living in the worst of times, and if they get their way, we just may enter the worst of times.

In closing, fuck the government, fuck the “experts,” fuck the authoritarians, fuck the sheep, fuck people who live with their heads in the sand, fuck the hysterical, fuck people with poor hygiene, fuck people whose actions don’t align with their words, fuck NPCs, fuck SJWs, fuck celebrities, fuck the media, fuck the censor happy big tech and any other piece of — fuck niggers and black lives matter — piece of shit I may have left out. Everyday it seems more likely violence is the only way to deal with what is wrong with society, because of this list of people.

Be Free.

Idiots be like

Over in fagland, also know as reddit, you will find people who believe covid-19 lockdowns and mask mandates are worth it, because ‘every life is precious (unless you’re a white dude)’ while simultaneously demonizing a woman because she would rather not have a group of people known for committing terror attacks (read: killing people!) immigrating into her country of residence. The world would honestly probably be a better place without the Muslims. I could say that about other groups of people as well, but Islamic extremists happen to be at the center of the particular issue that prompted this paragraph, so for now, I am singling them out.

If it were as easy as pressing a button, would you delete all of the Muslims if it meant also getting rid of their terrorists? And when you did, which country would you look to to get the best deal on real estate?

Shaman King

I don’t recall Yoh ever wearing this. He doesn’t wear much else besides an open shirt, open toe shoes, and an open heart for anyone who can see spirits.

No one knows or cares what a Shaman King is, but for my own records, I will let it be known that I have recently finished reading the entirety of the main Shaman King manga. My verdict, is that it is pretty good.

Shaman King turns into one long tournament that takes place on an island wear a bunch of stuff happens outside of the battles and you can’t tell how much time has passed. It reminds me of Mortal Kombat actually.

I like the character designs, how the characters interact with each other, and the lack of pretentiousness in the story. Anna is also cute, and I always appreciate it when a comic makes the girls look cute; good looking people seem to be in short supply these days…

Sometimes it was hard to interpret what was going on with the fights. The idea of people dying over and over and coming back stronger because of it almost made me roll my eyes. Almost.

Much like how Fruits Basket returned (with a lovely, beautiful new anime,) Shaman King is also set to return to Japanese television programming with an all new anime. I just may check it out.

All in all, Shaman King was a fun read, and I’m glad I binge read it on Comixology. Even so, Negima! and UQ Holder! were my favorite two reads this year. These shows deserve a proper anime adaptation.

Very nice.
This guy is a deviant, but he is funny. I guess you could say he likes cute things. Keep him away from your kids.

People – Ellen “Elliot” Page

Sup bro?

Ellen Page came out today as a FILTHY, NO GOOD, MENTALLY DERANGED tranny! No big deal, we know the kids are gay these days; must be the water… Ellen Page, who would like to be known as Elliot, is not a kid however: the bitch is 33! Too damn old to be playing these reindeer games, I say. But as long as she isn’t hurting anybody, I’ve no real objection. You are allowed to LARP.

Ellen Page is best known for her roles in Juno (sucked), X-Men: The Last Stand, and Super, in which she rapes a man. More recently she has pulled her titties out, but if she’s a dude now, I suppose that isn’t all that interesting.

I really don’t have much to say about Ellen Page. She seems like a weird SJW, but that isn’t so unusual. She’s short, no big deal. Her eyes are kind of close together I guess. I just want to talk shit.