Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2021

I may or may not have unpublished the post, but I previously ‘celebrated’ MLK day by making a ‘Mutant Luther King’ painting. I will probably make a tradition out of creating MLK art, because this year I decided to do a 3d print of the assassinated man himself… And you know, as much as I hate black lives matter, and as goofy as I think the average normie is today, some bad things did happen to some black people (and black niggers.) Recognizing that, I’d like for you to engage in your own moment of silence as you simultaneously look in awe at the print out of my highly accurate and amazement inducing 3d modeling skills, which I’ve curiously barely ever practiced.

It could only be more accurate if I had painted it!


Best Coast – Hypocritical Piece of Shit

Bethany Cosentino, one half of the band Best Coast, is a brainwashed, hypocritical warrior for the status quo. She is a piece of shit. She engages in deception. She is a liar — and apparently — a fat, former alcoholic. What a surprise.

Not Terrorism…
Also not terrorism…
So naturally, you would raise money to bail out the not-terrorists.
This however, IS terrorism. Domestic, despicable terrorism. I know this because…
This stupid drunk bitch says that it is terrorism. What a twat.

When the George Floyd reactionary riots of 2020 were happening, this bitch was helping to raise funds to bail out “protesters.” I recall receiving an email from Best Coast via bandcamp about some of their proceeds being used to bail out protesters, but I deleted most of the emails bandcamp has sent me, so I pasted an instagram post from Best Coast about bail funds. They (she?) encouraged people to send money to get rioters out of jail. Beth had no problem with what people were doing last Spring/Summer.

Now, in January 2021, when a different group of people are outraged, Bethany Cosentino (and many other puppets and sheep,) has a problem with protesters. This particular group of protesters are “domestic terrorists.”

This stupid bitch is living in a movie. A fabricated reality. I haven’t paid much attention to what went down yesterday, January 6th 2021, but I am positive what happened was far less destructive than what was allowed to happen during all of the racially and anti-police motivated riots of last year. DC saw worse from “protesters” last year. If there actually were a terrorist attack that took place in DC, we would all be aware of it, especially us who live in/near the city.

If anyone is a terrorist, it would be the police. I’ve heard of four people dying at the DC protest. Three had “medical conditions” which sounds weird to me, and one woman, Ashli Babbit, got shot in the neck and died. Some officer shot her.

I don’t want to talk about the evils of the state, or how morally bankrupt law enforcement are, I just want to highlight how normal(ish) people engage in mental gymnastics to excuse of justify atrocities. Basically, whatever makes them feel good is what’s correct, what makes them feel bad is wrong. These scumbags would merrily watch the persecution of those with whom they disagree, even if the scumbag endorsed the very same (or worse) behavior that the other side are using, less than a year ago.

Bethany Cosentino is a puppet, a sheep, an NPC… And a piece of shit.