Podcast Clip – Housing, Hedgefunds, Hell

I’m tired of being dicked around and fucked over. I’m sure there are many ways I and most other people are being fucked that I’m not fully aware of, but I do understand that the “world” is ran by greedy self serving people, and that our money is being taken from us and used against us. While this happens, people are arguing about pointless garbage, or are simply caught up in their own lives and don’t have time or the drive to focus on things they can’t change.

I know from the past year and a half that people will go out of their way to oppress other people and have no issue giving up their own freedoms, or ushering in their own destruction. They value political correctness over correctness, they fear enlightenment, and they think the State is God. All of this is to say that if you try to make the world a better place, and if you gain any real traction, someone is going to come to destroy you, and there is a decent chance it will be your neighbor.

I post this clip from The Dick Show because I find it sobering. I wish spoiled malcontents who engage in identity politicsor spend their time attempting to “cancel” things and people would listen to this. Even if they did, I doubt most people would get anything from it. 2020 has made it abundantly clear that people are retarded, disnterested in truth, and incapable of critical thinking.

(This is about hedge funds buying up as much housing as possible, and vastly outbidding normal people while doing so.)

Ellie Kemper and those who hate multiculturalism

It would be funnier if she actually were a KKK member

The other day, twitter idiots had their panties twisted up in knots because Ellie Kemper — now 41 years old — who you may know from a couple of quirky television programs, participated in something that meets the current year definition of racist. It doesn’t matter what she did, or when she did it or even if she did it. She’s associated with something that the perpetual whiners can claim make them uncomfortable, so the perpetual whiners, dumb as they are, will whine. On twitter of course, where else would you spread your meaningless drivel?

Notice how there is no mention of Kemper hurting anyone.

So apparently the Veiled Prophet Ball is part of the culture in St. Louis, or Missouri, or that area, whatever… The VPB is of cultural significance to a non-insignificant portion of the St. Louis populace and anyone who has an issue with the Veiled Prophet Organization, their balls, or the people who contribute in some fashion… must REALLY hate multiculturalism.

According to closed minded, hyper reactionary morons, anything they don’t understand or agree with is bad and should not exist. The people associated with said bad thing ought to be canceled, erased, maybe even killed. That entire sentiment, which is too common on twitter (and I’m assuming sites with similar user-bases) reeks of intolerance and perhaps even hatred of diversity.

I could go on and on but I don’t see a reason to; anyone who all of a sudden has an issue with Ellie Kemper being crowned the 1999 Veiled Prophet Ball queen are not accepting of cultures outside of their own (as they rush to accuse others of being racist). They do not appreciate diversity of thought, beliefs, nor behavior, and will let the entire world (wide web) know, even if they are entirely and obviously ignorant of the subject on which they tweet. Have they no shame?

Anyway, Ellie Kemper, who is a part of Veiled Prophet culture as well as Hollywood culture and who knows how many other cultures… currently has a wikifeet rating of 4.8 (beautiful feet). I think that’s the takeaway of the whole non-situation.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Here’s what they think about you.

Yesterday was Memorial Day, an American holiday intended to honor the men (and women now, I guess) who DIED, who GOT KILLED propping up the state, serving in the military. At least that’s how I understand it, I only went to public school, what do I know… Anyway, I saw over the weekend that Kamala Harris’ (bleh) twitter account had posted a tweet saying “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Old, Ugly, Evil Bitch with an Old, Ugly Evil Bitch Smile. I hate politicians.

Apparently at the time, she did not bother to mention why there was a long weekend to enjoy. A federal employee, one who could soon be in a position to send service men to fight and die in wars in which she has never and will never participate, chose not to highlight the suckers who got killed and who got fucked up doing the dirty deeds of the psychopathic elite… And maybe that’s for the best; I would never put myself in a position to die in a war, but if I had, I wouldn’t want to be remembered for such a stupid, pointless sacrifice waste of my life (not that my life isn’t being wasted already). Especially not when cunts like Harris and all the other government, tax siphoning, self and Israel serving assholes lie and bullshit other people into fighting for their interests. I hate the government…

Despite not liking the military, and not being in favor of the military industrial complex (which I’ll admit, I can’t speak very intelligently on, I’m not a know-it-all) I do find it disrespectful that such a tweet would be published from the Vice President’s account, given the context. If Camel-fuck Harris would metaphorically spit on the types of people who prevent justifiably angry mobs of citizens from taking out corrupt government officials like her and her colleagues, just imagine the contempt she must have for everybody else.

Honestly, Memorial Day should become a day of ridicule. When you go to bat for monsters like Harris, you choose to be a piece of shit, and if you die in the process, I can’t say you deserve don’t it. I’m not upset that Harris is so incredibly disrespectful, I’m disheartened that people like her routinely find themselves in positions of power, and I’m annoyed that most people seem to be perfectly okay with it.

I like to think that life would be better if dumb fucking idiots knew that they were dumb, but that will never happen on a large enough scale. You know what is happening on too large of a scale, though? Fag month. Fuck faggots. But not in the butt! Unless you want to contract HIV and die with AIDS.