I made butter steak bites. yurm.

I have a confession… In my own way… I was a bitch. I never wanted to touch raw meat. Today, I held raw beef between my finger tips… and it wasn’t as disgusting as I imagined it’d be. The meat was kinda dry. Not so slimy, not so wet. I had to cut it to make garlic butter steak bites, which I was disappointed to learn I didn’t invent when I got the idea after grilling a steak in butter last week. How were the steak bites? Slightly over cooked, could’ve used more butter… But it was okay.

Some dude started raising his voice to get my attention at the grocery store, you see, the area I’m in has a mask mandate and since I’m not gay, I was not wearing a mask. He acted like he was trying to help me, but I’m always ready to walk. I acted like I was putting my beef away (I was going to walk out but quickly changed my mind), then I walked away from the guy who “had to enforce” the mandate and made my way to the produce section, without wearing a mask. For a very brief moment when checking out, I pulled my neck gaiter over my face, and then it came back down. When I noticed there was a screen between myself and the checkout woman, I decided not to even pretend I cared about the mandate. The moral of the story is that I hate people, because they will fuck you over when some asshole gives the word, and assholes run the world. And they won’t relent.

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