Confused at the pump

Just a while ago , a woman asked for my help at the gas station. As she explained, she was from New Jersey, and they don’t pump their own gas there, which is silly, but why get rid of laws that make you weird, when you can just keep on keeping on?

Anyway, the woman tried to be self sufficient and pump the gas herself, but she ran into a problem–the nozzle wouldn’t fit in her tank! It is fortunate that the diesel fuel nozzle–which is what she was holding–is dummy proof, so that people don’t fuck up there cars (you can fit a non-diesel nozzle into a diesel truck, however).

My first thought is that it is stupid of New Jersey government to not allow people to pump their own gas. Obviously, most other places in the United States are not like New Jersey in this regard. If you know that people are able to pump their own gas, with everywhere else serving as proof of that, why would you not change and join everyone else? Afraid people will drive off with the nozzles still in their vehicles? Could happen, but it doesn’t make New Jersey less retarded for their fueling policy.

As a person, I would be embarrassed to not know how to do a simple thing that everyone around me can do. Sure, it isn’t hard to learn, but that isn’t the point. You’re literally robbed of knowledge and an opportunity to grow by not being allowed to do things for yourself, such as pump your own gas. It makes you weaker–less competitive… More reliant on others when there is no real reason to be.

I started to think about the things that I never learned that were taught to generations prior, and realize just how much they must laugh at the modern average moron who doesn’t know nothing about nothing. If you have an opportunity to teach someone (that you care about) you should do so. Being helpless isn’t cute.