Only a loser would care

Weird annoying modern day commentary: everything is racist!

I clicked on a video, scrolled down to the comments for some reason, and was reminded that some people can take issue with and ruin everything. I think it is the liberal whites, mostly women I’m assuming, who are just being pretending to be offended because they get off on it, but I can imagine a few brainwashed blacks throwing a tantrum about someone wearing “their”hair style. It is a very weird thing to be possessive about. Embarrassing, really, but I don’t think most people, black or otherwise, would care about an asian woman wearing braids.

I hate that these kind of people, both complainers and whatever you call the people who update you on how someone responded to being called out for doing something that “offended” others, exist. I’d be happy if we could collectively move on from caring if others are offended about anything. There are plenty of things that I don’t like, and nobody gives a shit.

Anyway, I don’t get why black people aren’t allowed to be imitated, replicated or made fun of–not to mention have “their” culture “appropriated,” which is a bullshit concept. I’m sick of sensitivity. It’s weak and disgusting.