Katsucon is gay

Katsucon was the first ever convention I went to. I’ve been to some anime conventions over the years, but most of the time I’ve opted not to, either because I’d be broke, or busy, or just disinterested as I’ve done it before and get the idea. And I hate crowds… And lines… And waiting…

This year however, I thought about going, and by that I mean the thought came to my head. There’s a convention in January I always forget about called FAGfest, that’s been held at the GAYlord hotel. MAGfest is too close to the holidays for me to remember, and I’ve never been, so I have no attachment to it at all, but this year I saw that it was happening while it was happening, instead of all after the fact, like usual. And that is why I thought of going to Katsucon this year, as it is held in February.

I typed “Katsucon” into my search bar, found it’s twitter page and saw a tweet that had been posted that very same day, pictured below:

Katsucon’s organizers decided everyone needs to be “vaccinated” with a COVID-19 “vaccine” in order to attend. Covid-19 has been a thing for 2 years now, and it has been almost 2 full years since all the retarded reactions to Covid-19 started happening. Nothing has gotten better since then…

As expected from users of any mainstream website, there were a bunch of faggots in the thread talking about how scared they were, going on about how the vaccine mandate was a good thing and how people who weren’t “vaccinated” by now are pieces of shit, and there were people who truly don’t like fun and just wanted the convention to be cancelled altogether.

So what’s my position? My position is I’m no longer interested in attending. I am not and will not “vaccinated” against Covid-19, I don’t care enough about this nerd shit to lie about being vaccinated, I WILL NOT pay money to be harassed about wearing a mask, and I don’t want to be around people who think mask and vaccine mandates are cool; they are huge issues and they’re having a negative effect on my quality of life.

I would’ve said I wanted Katsucon to fail, die and never return, but I didn’t because I was interested in seeing how things would turn out going forward – if the event could survive. Now however things have changed:

Inside their logo is the Faggot X Tranny fusion flag… They are ALL in on the gay shit. All in on the delusions, the lies of the tranny narrative. They openly and brazenly support the LGBT+ culture, a culture I’m sick of hearing about and having shoved in my face. I never used to hate this rainbow fag flag shit when I was younger, but now legit think it’s a negative culture, lifestyle, mindset, everything…

If I had paid attention to the logo from the beginning, I never would have considered attending. Now I really do wish Katsucon fails, dies and never comes back. But I do get it: there are a lot of gay ass anime fans.

Shaman King

I don’t recall Yoh ever wearing this. He doesn’t wear much else besides an open shirt, open toe shoes, and an open heart for anyone who can see spirits.

No one knows or cares what a Shaman King is, but for my own records, I will let it be known that I have recently finished reading the entirety of the main Shaman King manga. My verdict, is that it is pretty good.

Shaman King turns into one long tournament that takes place on an island wear a bunch of stuff happens outside of the battles and you can’t tell how much time has passed. It reminds me of Mortal Kombat actually.

I like the character designs, how the characters interact with each other, and the lack of pretentiousness in the story. Anna is also cute, and I always appreciate it when a comic makes the girls look cute; good looking people seem to be in short supply these days…

Sometimes it was hard to interpret what was going on with the fights. The idea of people dying over and over and coming back stronger because of it almost made me roll my eyes. Almost.

Much like how Fruits Basket returned (with a lovely, beautiful new anime,) Shaman King is also set to return to Japanese television programming with an all new anime. I just may check it out.

All in all, Shaman King was a fun read, and I’m glad I binge read it on Comixology. Even so, Negima! and UQ Holder! were my favorite two reads this year. These shows deserve a proper anime adaptation.

Very nice.
This guy is a deviant, but he is funny. I guess you could say he likes cute things. Keep him away from your kids.